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- investment in Seaport Construction valued at $USD1 Billion,
- $USD100,000,000 Investment for launching the Patented Electrical Industry Product,
- partnering with someone in Ocean Transport industry development valued at $USD2 Billions,
- buyer for a Solar Industry business valued at $USD900,000,000,
- finding the best spot for Holiday Resort Development,
- buying and or selling Air, Sea, Rail or Road Commercial Fleets,

and, many more...

in today's global market, if one is either requesting or offering such unique and/or off-market global business opportunities, and is seeking direct, secured, and confidential high level connection with only a group of elite key decision makers globally, where would one post such request or offer, whom would one talk to first, how would one avoid middle persons of the business world, and more importantly whom would one trust?

in an era, when existing social, and ordinary business platforms, and venues enjoy popularity among certain group of population, the growing concern over securing the privacy of one's information, which is being jeopardized via such platforms and or venues, is becoming more prominent.

furthermore, among existing social, and ordinary business platforms, and venues:

1- spread of unwanted chain connections via friends of friends of friends of ... is becoming an uncontrollable phenomenon,
2- being continually bombarded by third party advertising seems to be a norm, and not the choice of members.
collectively, such shortcomings in available social, and ordinary business platforms, and globally have led the top level executives of the firms, and corporations to search beyond, and seek an unparalleled business solution, where ©exclusivity for executives truly matters, and is respected.

since its inception in 2007, ©GeBTL, Global executive Business & Trade Links has been the ONLY secure, private, multi level Sapphire, Rouge, Gold, and Platinum membership, and paid-members-only business platform for top level executives of firms, and corporations globally in communicating the unique global business opportunities DIRECTLY with each other.

moreover, with its four distinctive membership levels, and allowing members to be very selective in both posting, and responding to business opportunities,
©GeBTL has been consciously promoting ©exclusivity for executives business culture.

thus, when it comes to innovating a modern business connectivity, communication, and interaction model, 
©GeBTL has been setting itself absolutely apart from all existing Social Media, and business platforms, and venues globally.

so, I would personally invite you to review the contents, and learn about the benefits of the membership.

Rahmat Ushaksaraei
©GeBTL, Global executive Business & Trade Links

our mission:

furnishing the top level key executive decision makers of businesses globally with a private, and secure medium for communicating directly the unique & off-market global business opportunities.


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©GeBTL, Global executive Business & Trade Links - www.GeBTL.com