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to consider your request for membership on ©GeBTL, Global executive Business & Trade Links, please ensure that all required information are provided correctly, where inaccurate information may result in the automatic rejection of your request for membership:
disclaimer: personal contact information obtained herewith are merely for the purpose of processing your membership request and will not be shared and/or communicated with any third party firm(s) and/or individual(s).
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contact information

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first name: *
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e-mail Address: *
IMPORTANT: Membership Request with PUBLIC Domain e-mail address such as Hotmail, yahoo, Gmail; etc. will be automatically rejected.
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membership types & fees

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membership type access level to posted business opportunities on GeBTL annual membership fee ($CDN)1
©GeBTL - Sapphire Sapphire GeBTL Sapphire Membership Indicator 25,000
©GeBTL - Rouge Rouge GeBTL Sapphire Rouge Indicator GeBTL Sapphire Membership Indicator 50,000
©GeBTL - Gold Gold GeBTL Gold Membership Indicator GeBTL Sapphire Rouge Indicator GeBTL Sapphire Membership Indicator 75,000
©GeBTL - Platinum Platinum GeBTL Platinum Membership Indicator GeBTL Gold Membership Indicator GeBTL Sapphire Rouge Indicator GeBTL Sapphire Membership Indicator 100,000
Special enter code in the provided box

1: annual membership fee is in the Canadian funds, and will be invoiced in full amount. applicable taxes, if any, have NOT been included here, and will be added to the annual membership fee at the time of invoicing. 
username & password

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terms & conditions

* I have read and fully accept the GeBTL.com Terms & Conditions

verification & submission
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membership on GeBTL.com is a privileged opportunity for joining the ONLY private, secure, multi-level paid-members and global top level executives global business platform.

to safeguard the founding philosophy of GeBTL.com, ©GeBTL reserves the rights to either accept or reject a request for membership.

at the same time that all membership requests are treated equally, and investigated thoroughly, in case of rejecting a request for membership on GeBTL.com, ©GeBTL will not be obligated to provide any clarification.


founder's message

membership benefits

membership request

member login

our affiliates


reach us
©GeBTL, Global executive Business & Trade Links - www.GeBTL.com